
Paramin Reformulation And The Relation Between Paramin And Zinc

Recently, Paramin was improved by adding calcium malate and magnesium malate to the formula. The basic action of Paramin is the same and the new formula is better tolerated by some people. The malates are also an excellently absorbed forms of calcium and magnesium.

Fast Oxidizers And Calcium Loss

Paramin is a most useful product for many reasons. Fast oxidizers eliminate and thus lose excessive calcium and magnesium in the urine as part of the fight or flight response. Paramin is used to help replenish calcium and magnesium, and to help reduce sympathetic nervous system activity in fast oxidizers.

The vitamin D3 in Paramin is also helpful for fast oxidizers as it assists calcium absorption and retention. Paramin is also most helpful in many people to balance the autonomic nervous system. It has a calming effect that inhibits the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Both fast and slow oxidizers today usually have overworked their sympathetic nervous systems. Paramin helps slow down what is called sympathetic dominance, or the tendency to overuse the sympathetic ner­vous system.

Slow Oxidation And Calcium Precipitation

Although calcium and magnesium were not originally given to slow oxidizers, research has shown that Paramin is also most helpful for many slow oxidizers. When the hair tissue calcium level is high relative to sodium and potassium, one loses calcium into the tissues. It precipitates into the tissues because low sodium and potassium levels cause calcium to come out of solution in the blood.

Sodium and potassium are required to solubil­ize or maintain calcium in a soluble or ionized form in the blood. When sodium and potassium are deficient due to weak adrenal glands and/or thyroid activity, some calcium drops out of solution and precipitates into the tissues, including the hair.

As calcium leaves the blood and precipitates into the tissues, calcium may be withdrawn from the bones to replace the calcium lost from the blood. If this continues for years, one may develop osteoporosis.

Paramin And The Adrenal Glands

The long-term solution to the problem of calcium precipitation is to correct the sodium and potassium levels. This involves restoring adrenal activity, however, this often takes several years of following a nutrition program. While this is occurring, Paramin is helpful to prevent depletion of calcium stores in the bones.

In general, the higher the hair tissue calcium, the more Paramin is needed, as more is precipitat­ing into the tissues.

Paramin And Alkalinity

Paramin can also help balance the pH of the body. Calcium and magnesium are alkaline-forming minerals. They buffer acids and help convert lactic acid to calcium lactate. This is needed most when the body is in a more acidic condition. An acidic condition occurs most com­monly when the oxidation rate is most unbalanced - which is also when more Paramin is recom­mended.

Zinc, Calcium And Potassium

The action of Paramin is related to the action of zinc. Zinc, along with calcium and magnesium, are called the sedative elements. All three help inhibit excessive sympathetic nervous system dominance.

Zinc may raise or lower the hair calcium depending on the situation. In slow oxidizers, it usually helps lower calcium by helping to restore adrenal activity. Excessive zinc, however, could raise hair calcium by lowering sodium exces­sively.

In fast oxidizers, zinc has a parasympathetic effect that can help raise a low tissue calcium and balance elevated tissue sodium and potassium levels.

Zinc Often Given When Hair Zinc Is High

Zinc is recommended regardless of the zinc level. This is because most everyone is deficient in zinc. The amount of zinc on the programs depends not on the zinc level, but mainly on the sodium/potassium ratio. More is recommended when the ratio is higher.

An elevated hair zinc level indicates either a loss of zinc through the hair or, at times, a com­pensation for elevated tissue copper. Note that the hair copper level may be normal or even low. However, other imbalances will indicate the presence of hidden copper

Zinc Raises Potassium

Zinc helps lower the level of sodium and tends to raise the hair tissue level of potassium, espec­ially in slow oxidizers. The reason for low hair potassium is underactive adrenal glands, and usually not a potassium deficiency. Potassium is found in many natural foods. Low aldosterone and other adrenal hormones however, causes greater elimination of potassium in the urine.

When the hair potassium level is low, taking zinc is far more effective in helping to raise it than taking potassium. Potassium is a sympathetic or excitatory mineral which is not as helpful to restore the adrenal glands providing one eats sufficient potassium which most people do. Zinc is calming and has a more powerful effect in assisting the adrenal glands to rest and rebuild. This in turn raises the potassium level.